
Education Reimagined

7-day summer camp

Education Reimagined is a 7-day educational camp for people passionate about education, whether you are interested in education or already working as a teacher or a youth worker. During these 7-days we will cover collective learning, gaining the global perspective and experience-based learning.

Why this camp?


Gain new skills: There will be opportunity to gain concrete knowledge and skills on many student- centred pedagogical theories and practices that can be implemented in your own life and community.


Expand your network: Meet like minded educators who want to collaborate with others with new ideas and projects to reimagine and be part of changing education for the better


Inspire change: Many of us are tired of teaching and learning through rote memorisation and standardised testing – together we can inspire more to reimagine education. 


Experience Community: A unique part of our education and our experience at DNS is the aspect of community living. During our camp you will be integrated as part of our community and experience the benefits, challenges and learning opportunities of this. 

alternative education


We will have workshops on topics such as “Inclusive Education” or “How we Learn”, “Project-Based Learning” and “Making the World our Classroom”, investigations in Danish schools and plenty of teamwork activities. The final days will be dedicated to working in groups to create and present our own pedagogical practices to include in our work or communities.

Some of our Pedagogical Principles

Combining Theory and Practice

Student-centered learning

Immersive learning experiences

Reality-focused education

Learning generates motivation

More information

When and where?

4th to 10th of August 2025. You can agree with us to come a day or two earlier.

The camp will happen at the Tvind International School Centre, Skorkaervej 8, Ulfborg, 6990, Denmark.

How much will it cost?

The cost of the 7-day programme is 300 Euros. This money will cover food, accommodation, all the workshops and experiences that you will take during the camp, some extra activities and a lift from and to the local train station. The travel from your home country to Denmark is not included. There is a possibility for Scholarship.

Who can join?

The course is dedicated to anyone who is passionate about education and working with children or youth. Everybody over 18 years old who is ready to live an experiential camp, challenge themselves, and share team 7 days with a team is welcome! 

The camp will be in English.

How to apply?

Click on the button below and fill in the application form for the camp – you will be contacted by the organisers within five to ten days. Each participant is requested to take part in an information meeting after filling out the application form, during which you will be able to ask all of your questions.

Time to the camp









Hi there!

Welcome to DNS! I am right here if you need help

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