An education for the 21st century: what is the role of education today?

An education for the 21st century: what is the role of education today?

As teachers living in outstandingly fast paced times, it is legitimate to ask ourselves: how can we imagine and design an appropriate education for the 21st century? In other words, what should schools look like, to prepare the students of today for the challenges of tomorrow? In this article, we would like to argue why the current educational system needs to be radically rethought, and to inspire with a few elements that would help us achieve this successful change.

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The Invisible Wall

The Invisible Wall

The Invisible WallsThere is such a huge contrast in going through different countries on land. Not by flying and suddenly arriving to a place, but gradually traveling through landscapes. The scenery changes slowly, our eyes adapt to the shift in various forms,...

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The Shock Doctrine

The Shock Doctrine

The Shock Doctrine - How the Rich use the State of Shock to Profit Dear friends, In the times of a globalized world, more than ever, it is crucial not to forget that we must understand how the corporatocracy tries to profit from the current state of the world...

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Peace Justice

Peace Justice

We create peace, when we fight prejudice and stereotypes, when we build bridges between each other. We create peace, when we liberate, emancipate ourselves from oppression. No peace without justice.

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