Mental Health matters Anxiety, stress, burn-out, eating disorders and depression are in the headlines almost every day. Wellbeing and mental health has been one of the topics we have paid attention to, since mental health issues are on the rise in the Western...
DNS summer school – Acting towards collective sustainability What is DNS summer school about and what will you learn from it? DNS summer school is an event focused on learning about economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability. You will gain...
Young teachers & the Future What kind of generation do we leave behind for the planet? How do we train young teachers to meet the challenges of the future? DNS · The Necessary Teacher Training College has trained teachers since 1972, using a...
Let’s do this: Planet Protection 2019 The teacher council at DNS · The Necessary Teacher College is aware of the clear and present danger that global warming and climate change represents. Hurricanes, floods, fires and other serious calamities caused by the manmade...
Peace Justice Conference 2019 Why Peace Justice Conference? The world is in desperate need of peace and events that promote peace. At The Necessary Teacher Training College we also know that the world is full of good people and many good initiatives. This conference...