
What does it mean to lead a “teacher lifestyle”?

Blog | Educational What does it mean to lead a ‘teacher lifestyle’? 22.01.22 | By DNS Student What is a teacher? Am I one? After some time in my teaching practice, I realised that trying to define how I see teaching and how I see myself as a teacher led me...

Epistemology in Teaching and Learning

Blog | Educational Epistemology in Teaching and Learning Epistemology is one of the subject our students come across at our Teacher Training College. Why should a teacher learn about Epistemology, and what is the connection between this discipline and education? What...

Why was planet protection left to activism?

Blog | Educational Why was planet protection left to activism? 01.12.21 | By Rocco Convertino Abstract The Earth is changing; our environment is dying. However, the planet will remain and it will be us that will be exterminated. The need and importance of planet...

Alternative education explained through 10 pedagogical principles

Blog Alternative education explained through ten pedagogical principles 10.12.21 | By DNS Student How to easily understand alternative education Alternative education can seem a mysterious, blurry concept to many. If you are not familiar with the idea, it might be...

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