Det Nødvendige Seminarium – international læreruddannelse og bachelor licentiat i pædagogik DNS uddanner lærere, som vil noget særligt med det at være lærer. Lærere, som ønsker at uddanne de kommende generation, som kommer til at leve på en alt mere udfordret planet....
Education never stops, it’s lifelong learning – Elo, alumni My name is Elo and I am 26 years old. Originally, I come from Estonia. I am from the team DNS 2012 so I graduated in 2015. I was in Tvind for almost four years, as I had a one year saving up in...
Alumni · Marta · DNS 2013 DNS was the missing piece I was born and raised in Romania. Since quite an early age I knew that I want to work with people. After finishing high-school finally, it was time to follow my passion and I enrolled to Social Work studies. After...
Volunteer at legendary Tvindkraft A pioneer and veteran within wind power Tvindkraft was built by volunteers during 1975 – 1978. At the time it was the world’s biggest modern wind turbine. Thus, the windmill team carried out a huge achievement when they blazed...
Meet the Dunes of the Desert Just like the crew of Odysseus, you, your team and all the wanderers before you have been enchanted by the beautiful silence of the dunes. You get out of the bus. You kick off your slippers. You stand in front of the dunes. And then...