
Become an inspiring educator

Our 4-year programme aims to train global citizens and proficient educators who can act to meet the challenges of the future

Our Values…

Experience-based learning

The old and outdated idea that the teacher is the main figure in the classroom does not suit the society of tomorrow. Therefore at DNS, the students are together with the teacher in the centre of their education. Learning happens through a hands-on, activity-based programme. Together with your teammates, you will take ownership of your learning experience, acting as the driving force of your own education. 

Global Perspective

Acquiring the knowledge, being aware of what is going on in the world, does not only mean to read books, articles or watch documentaries. It also means to travel, to talk with people from different countries and to face the different realities that people live in. We explore the Global reality already in the first year through a 4-month bus travel.



At our campus in Denmark we live, work, and study collectively. The students and teachers run the college together – we make decisions by consensus democracy. We have a rich cultural life with over 20 different nationalities sharing wisdom and experiences. Hence our programme is much more than just becoming a good educator. Above all, It is a school of life.

Why study with us?

Our programme has been in development for 50 years, it sets out to be an immersive experience with each year building upon the last. Starting from the Global perspective and situation of our planet, to the reality of European schools and education system. 

Quality education is needed

We need educators who are not only equipped with academic knowledge but also posses critical thinking, empathy, and a deep understanding of global challenges. Hear from our headmistress about how we train educators at DNS.

Our Programme

Another Kind of Education – travelling overland through Sahara in your own bus.

1st year

The Global Reality

  • Plan and implement a 4-months bus travel
  • Do field investigations
  • Learn about people and their reality
  • Share your experiences back in Europe

Another Kind of Education – experiencing and influencing the European reality.

2nd Year

The European Reality

  • Live and work in a European city with your team for 6 months
  • Create campaigns about  sustainability, peace & education in your local area
  • Do what you find most appropriate for 3 months
teaching practice

3rd Year

The School Reality

  • Teach in a school in Denmark for 10 months
  • Create projects with your students
  • Study pedagogical theories with your team

Another Kind of Education – honing your skills as a progressive educator

4th Year

International teaching practice

  • Join an existing social or educational project across the globe for 6 months
  • Refine your teaching skills and gain valuable experience in new contexts.


Hear from our Graduates

“I chose DNS because i was very impressed by the programme. I was able to travel and learn at the same time.”

Louisa Battioui

Studying masters in Educational psychology

“I think the experiences and the skills i have learned throughout  the DNS programme has really prepared me for what i am doing”

Gabrielė Babravičiūtė

Leader of the education process at a democractic forest school

“This place functions perfectly, you end up in an environment where everyone talks about values and bringing positive change to the world”

Maksim Ivanov

Runs an art youth centre and tutor at a Højskole

Years of experience

Graduates who have played an important role in bringing quality education

Stay in touch

Drop us a message on Whatsapp if you have any questions.


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Check out our stories, and get a feeling of daily life at DNS.

Interested in studying with us?


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Welcome to DNS! I am right here if you need help

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